Будьте сложнее, и от вас отстанут те, кто проще
"- As you know, krypton is a noble gas...
- *аудитория мгновенно оживляется* Superman was from Krypton!
- Pardon me?
- Superman... Oh, don't tell us you don't know Superman...
- I'm really sorry, but I don't know this guy..."
"Sulfur is a very unstable element - ten or hundred thousand years, and it becomes a compound!"
А еще на нотисборде офигенное объявление вывесили... завтра сфоткаю)
- *аудитория мгновенно оживляется* Superman was from Krypton!
- Pardon me?
- Superman... Oh, don't tell us you don't know Superman...
- I'm really sorry, but I don't know this guy..."
"Sulfur is a very unstable element - ten or hundred thousand years, and it becomes a compound!"
А еще на нотисборде офигенное объявление вывесили... завтра сфоткаю)